Apps & Software Development
Final Product
Robust software with hundreds of automated tests, clean source code and a low percentage of bugs, which are fixed free of charge thanks to our 3-month warranty.
"Scroll down and learn the depth of our process.""
5. Production
Putting the app into production means installing the app in a stable environment and NOT controlled by the development team.

This is very important, because if you need to make more "demos", it is advisable not to do them when the app or the development moves to the production stage. However, if you want to use tests in your app when it is in a stable environment, you must take into account that the final product will take more time and possibly, you will consume more hours than expected.
4. Testing
If you are developing an app, it is essential that you test it before it goes into production. For this, we use Firebase and TestFlight, to always send you the latest version.

The most recurrent problem is that the client is not always testing the final version. This is corrected by deleting the previously sent app and downloading the latest release.

Due to the above, we will always send you an additional instructive with the indications on how to test the final version app.
Our way of working is based on agile methodology, specifically on the Scrum process.
3. Development
Our developers are responsible for the interface of the app, from the point of view of the code, using technologies such as Ionic, Cordova, Typescript, Angular and tools such as Android Studio and Xcode, and in the case of web developments use technologies such as Angular, HTML, Typescript, Javascript and others.
We plan the tasks of each project on a weekly basis, according to the needs of our clients.
2. Design
Our designers are present from the beginning of the project, shaping the requirements and iterating with you to shape each development. For this, we use prototyping tools (Figma, Adobe, Scketch) through which you can see at all times the changes and improvements that will be agreed.

In addition, user experience is very important to us, so within the design area, we have UX designers. Our UX designers base their work on the Design Thinking methodology.
We submit periodic progress for approval, comments or modifications. Reciprocal work is essential.
1. Definitions
Also known as Sprint 0, it is a deliverable that usually takes longer than the other stages. Here the ideal scope of the entire project is defined, in which the development team calculates the effort of each of the tasks and thus, reduce the possible risks of the following stages.
Our strategy is adaptable, according to the client's requirements and is flexible when considering requested changes.